This project was one of the many projects we got to do in the Hackathon that preceded the start of our Master's in Robotics program. The project is to create a random maze, and solve it using either the wave front planner or recursive backtracking algorithms. The project can be displayed in any way, and our group decided to use PyGame.
My primary role on the team was to create the graphics for the game using PyGame, and to integrate everything together into a single script. This entailed creating art for the maze, including art for the player, the start and finish flags, and the blocks that make the maze. Once these were created, I designed a function that would display the maze according to a loaded in text file. This file contained the location of all of the walls and walk-ways, and was created in the maze-generation portion of the project. With this information, the PyGame display would draw the path of the character to the goal.